Individual Wellness, Life, and Career Coaching Programs
Theme-based wellness and life coaching programs enable individualized applications of mind-body techniques and integrative medicine to enhance performance and wellbeing. The program tracks are designed to enable individuals to tailor coaching to their specific needs based upon health status, level of fitness, career status, and attainment of interrelated goals through behavior and lifestyle change. In addition, coaching programs include individual assessments of various dimensions of wellness and performance to determine needs, craft individualized goals, and track progress. Program length can be tailored to individuals’ needs and occupational roles and demands.
Examples of Wellness, Life, and Career Coaching Tracks Include:
Wellness Track: Enhancing Personal Fitness and Nutrition
- Selected Personal Assessments (Lifestyle, Fitness and Nutrition, Stress & Eating Habits, Biometric Indicators Review)
- Personal Fitness & Nutrition Awareness
- Stress & Emotional Eating Patterns
- Motivating Behavior & Lifestyle Change
- Building Healthy Lifestyles: Cooking & Healthy Meals
- Screening for Chronic Health Concerns & Risk Factors
Health Promotion Track: Mind-Body Approaches to Managing Chronic Health Conditions
- Selected Personal Assessments (Wellness Inventory, Biometric Indicators Review)
- Personal Fitness & Nutrition Awareness
- Motivating Behavior & Lifestyle Change
- Understanding Stress & Health Impact
- Building Healthy Lifestyles: Cooking & Healthy Meals
- Managing Chronic Health Concerns & Risk Factors
- Consultation & Coordination with Healthcare Providers
Life and Performance Tack: Enhancing Personal Effectiveness and Performance
- Selected Personal Assessments (Stress & Coping Patterns, Lifestyle, Fitness & Nutrition, Personality, Communications, & Workstyle)
- Stress Management
- Fitness & Nutrition
- Personality, Perception, & Work Style
- Communication Skills
- Managing Difficult Emotions
- Managing Organization & Focus
Career Coaching Track: Assessing Personal Strengths, Personality, and Style
- Selected Personal Assessments ( Eg., Myers Biggs Type Indicator, Conflict Styles, Communication Styles, Management and Leadership Styles)
- Selected Organizational Assessments (Eg., 360° Multi-rater Feedback, Performance Review)
- Assessing Strengths, Interests, & Aptitudes
- Developing & Aligning Personal & Professional Goals
- Crafting Your Mission Statement
- Evaluating Potential Career Problems & Derailers
- Leveraging Strengths & Enhancing Skill Sets
- Managing & Preventing Burnout
Please see services for organizations / management and executive coaching programs for related services.
© 2013, Nadeen Medvin, Ph.D., PA, All Rights Reserved.